
Showing posts from March, 2018

Information Processing TIPR

1)  The teacher used  Chunking  and  Duel-Coding  to help teach students about organic molecules.  While she taught them about hydrocarbons she also drew visuals on the board, engaging their Visuospatial sketchpad and their audio processor.  She also gave each table a Chemistry model packet, so they could both see and touch the material (which also acted as a  Stimulus-Driven Attention  grabber).   She also clumped organic molecules together based on their functional group.  This allowed students to organize info based on their similarities and make it easier to see what made them different.   She always provided enough  wait time  so that the lesson didn't feel rushed.  I also think the  wait time  made students comfortable enough to ask for clarification if they didn't understand.   2)  This lesson was mostly lecture, and there weren't that many activities aside from the model packets.  From the low student precipitation, I think the students needed more rehears

Piaget TIPR

Accommodation and Assimilation 1)   The lesson was about functional groups and how biologic molecules work.  The teacher introduced disequilibrium by giving each table "ball and stick" packets and telling told them to make something using all the parts.  This gave the students time to "play" with the subject material and use their Sensorimotor stage. Then we got into the lesson and started learning about hydrocarbon molecules.  Hydrocarbons act like the skeleton for biologic molecules.  The "skeleton" example was to help students accommodate this new information since it can't really be assimilated into their prior knowledge. Once the students fully adapted this new scheme they could assimilate the rest of the biological molecules within hydrocarbon molecules. 2)    I think the students needed more clear instructions on what to do with the "ball and stick" packets.  The students were told to use all the pieces, but they were only suppos